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Газета "Наш Мир"1494906Пятый ежегодный конкурс «Изображение года» — событие, в ходе которого среди изображений, получивших за прошедший год статус избранных, в ходе голосования среди участников всех проектов Викимедиа определяется «Изображение Года».

Как понятно из заголовка, раз конкурс проводится на Викискладе, то выбирают из фотографий, доступных по свободным лицензиям и как общественное достояние.

Считайте этот конкурс частью большой кампании «свободное — не значит некачественное». Конкурс показывает, что за качественные фотографии не обязательно платить, многие качественные фотографии доступны по свободным лицензиям.

Итак, победитель:
PODY barnstar.svg

2010 Winners

Laser Towards Milky Ways Centre.jpg

Commons Picture of the Year 2010

First Place POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
 : # 1 – 241 votes in Final;
In mid-August 2010 ESO Photo Ambassador Yuri Beletsky snapped this amazing photo at ESO’s Paranal Observatory. A group of astronomers were observing the centre of the Milky Way using the laser guide star facility at Yepun, one of the four Unit Telescopes of the Very Large Telescope (VLT). (POTD)
Credit: .

Mostar Old Town Panorama 2007.jpg
This file has annotations. Move the mouse pointer over the image to see them.

Second Place POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 2 – 180 votes in Final;
Stari Most, the "Old Bridge", which connects the two banks of river Neretva, has been a symbol of Mostar for centuries. This view from north shows Helebija tower to the left and Tara tower to the right. It was made from the minaret of Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Ramirez .

Sarychev Peak.jpg
Third Place POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 3 – 170 votes in Final;
Sarychev Peak Volcano erupts June 12, 2009, on Matua Island (North Kuril Islands) (POTD)
Credit: .

Mirounga leonina.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 4 – 161 votes in Final;
Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) (young) in South Georgia (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Serge Ouachée (user Butterfly voyages) .

Schloss Lichtenstein 04-2010.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 5 – 145 votes in Final;
The Lichtenstein Castle, near Lichtenstein, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by -donald- .

Lone House.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 6 – 140 votes in Final;
A lonely house. An image made using Blender 3D. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Michael Otto .

Lake Vuoksa 1.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 7 – 120 votes in Final;
Lake Vuoksa, at the Karelian Isthmus, which separates Russia and Finland. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Dmitry A. Mottl .

Schwappender Wein.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 8 – 116 votes in Final;
Tabletop photography by "Studiocommunity e.V." (incorporated association). No photomontage was used. All objects were fastened on the board, which was pushed from the side, whereby the wine spilled out of the glass. The carafe is filled with wine coloured gelatine. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Stefan Krause, from Germany .

Red eyed tree frog edit2.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 9 – 91 votes in Final;
Red-eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas), photographed near Playa Jaco in Costa Rica. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Carey James Balboa .

AgamaSinaita01 ST 10.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 10 – 88 votes in Final;
Male Agama sinaita, Jordan. This species is common in deserts around the shores of the Red Sea. While in heat, the male turns striking blue to attract females. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Ester Inbar (User ST) .

USA 10187 Horseshoe Bend Luca Galuzzi 2007.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 11 – 73 votes in Final;
Horseshoe Bend, Arizona. Horseshoe Bend is a horseshoe-shaped meander of the Colorado River located near the town of Page, Arizona. (POTD)
Credit: .

Placid death.JPG
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 12 – 72 votes in Final;
Detail of the Guanajuato mummies, Mexico. Black and white version. Photo taken at Museo de las Momias de Guanajuato. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Tomas Castelazo .

Calliphora vomitoria Portrait.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 13 – 71 votes in Final;
Blue bottle fly (Calliphora vomitoria) Portrait, Austin's Ferry, Tasmania, Australia. 3.5:1 magnification. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by JJ Harrison (http://www.noodlesnacks.com/) .

Wismut Kristall und 1cm3 Wuerfel.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 14 – 69 votes in Final;
The chemical element bismuth as a synthetic made crystal. The surface is an iridescent very thin layer of oxidation. Additional a high purity (99.99 %) 1 cm3 bismuth cube for comparison. (POTD)
Credit: .

2h Namur 13.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 15 – 63 votes in Final;
St Aubin's Cathedral (Belgium) (POTD)
Credit: .

Charging Leopard-001.JPG
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 15 – 63 votes in Final;
Young leopard charging. Photo taken at Rhino and Lion Park, Gauteng, South Africa. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Leo za1 .

20080406165033!V-22 Osprey refueling edit1.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 17 – 59 votes in Final;
A V-22 Osprey vertical-lift aircraft before a night mission in central Iraq. (POTD)
Credit: .

4th FW Strike Eagles assist shuttle launch.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 18 – 50 votes in Final;
Lt. Col. Gabriel Green and Capt. Zachary Bartoe patrol the airspace in an F-15E Strike Eagle as the Space Shuttle Atlantis launches May 14, 2010, at Kennedy Space Center, Fla. (POTD)
Credit: .

Sadhu Vârânasî .jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 18 – 50 votes in Final;
A Sadhu in Varanasi, India. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Pierre-Emmanuel BOITON .

Golden Gate Bridge at sunset 1.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 18 – 50 votes in Final;
Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco, California, USA) at sunset. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Mbz1 .

Sépulture de Teviec Global.jpg
This file has annotations. Move the mouse pointer over the image to see them.

Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 21 – 43 votes in Final;
Tomb of Téviec. Two skeletons of a woman between 25 and 35 years, dated between - 6740 and - 5680 BP (Mesolithic), died a violent death. Recovery in 1938 restoration 2010. (POTD)
Credit: Picture by Didier Descouens .

Beloeil castel 1 Luc Viatour.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 22 – 40 votes in Final;
Belœil Castle by night (POTD)
Credit: .

Pelecanus conspicillatus pair swimming.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 23 – 36 votes in Final;

Australian Pelicans (Pelecanus conspicillatus), Claremont, Tasmania, Australia. (POTD)

Credit: .

Apollo 17 Moon Panorama.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 24 – 32 votes in Final;
Panorama of the moon taken during mission Apollo 17 (Station 1 East). (POTD)
Credit: .

Portland Japanese Garden maple.jpg
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 24 – 32 votes in Final;
A Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) in the Portland Japanese Garden. (POTD)
Credit: .

Radiometer 9965 Nevit.gif
Honorable Mention POTY barnstar for 2010.svg
# 26 – 29 votes in Final;
Radiometer. The Crookes radiometer, also known as the light mill or solar engine, consists of an airtight glass bulb, containing a partial vacuum. Inside are a set of vanes which are mounted on a spindle. The vanes rotate when exposed to light. (POTD)
Credit: Own work by Nevit Dilmen .

Категория: Фоторепортаж | Просмотров: 810 | Добавил: serj | Рейтинг: 0.0 | |

Источник: http://habrahabr.ru


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